Goofy and kid inspired Paintings

24” x 36” watercolor paper is a big sheet for me. Super fun to paint so large. The painting itself is pretty simple but water based pigment covering so large an area creates it’s own textures. So much fun to do whimsical work.  

I have framed these and put the up for art a Whirl. I hope they sell, but they always spark conversations (and sometimes commisions!)





See my Instagram page to see a stop motion video taken using my iPhone, a bendy tripod on a dining room table chair, and a program called lapse it set at 3 second intervals. 

click here for the video


Both come see both at Art-A-Whirl in the Solar Arts Building! 

launching my new site - my online studio!

To answer the art question, “do you have a website?” With something other than, are 4 different sites for portfolio, blog, online store, daily paintings ...etc etc etc ... that is a big ask for people (and a lot to manage)so I have finally pulled it all together into one site. Please visit and check back often.

I have worked on this small chunks at a time learning as I go for about a month. It isn’t complete but tells a story. The site will evolve as I get my for sale inventory in.

My hope for this site is a one stop shop for  my classes, demo, and open studio calendar, an online gallery/shop, blog, works in process, and a place to reach out to me

Another hope is tell the story of each piece with art tips along the way. This will take time and hopefully be interesting to others.

I have never created a site before. It has been quite the learning curve! 


And finally an events schedule!


Basically like my Solar Arts studio online 

I have a lot of ideas, but let me know if there is something you would like to see or are curious about.

I hope you all enjoy it!
